Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry at Saint John's works to provide opportunities for prayer and liturgy, retreat, community service, and pastoral care for all members of our community.
While all offerings are in keeping with Roman Catholic teaching and the documents of the Xaverian Brothers, students from diverse backgrounds visit and participate in Campus Ministry programs - as it is truly meant for, and inclusive of, our entire community.
On any given day, students may choose to visit the Campus Ministry Center, located in Conal Hall, before, during, or after the academic day. The Center is open to ALL students and provides a safe, friendly atmosphere where students may choose to study, relax, and engage with their fellow classmates.
The student retreats offered through Campus Ministry and Saint John's are often considered some of the most powerful, meaningful experiences our students have during their time at Saint John's.
As one parent said upon her son's return from a Kairos retreat, "My son went in [to the retreat] one way and when he returned, he was a different person. I am so grateful for the opportunities he's had to participate in these life changing retreats where he can learn about himself, and others, in ways even the best classroom could never teach him."
During a student's time at Saint John's there are a number of class-wide and elective retreats in which they may participate in Campus Ministry Retreats. Kairos, an off-site retreat for juniors and seniors, remains among the most popular; with SJLI (Saint John's Leadership Institute) for rising seniors among the high ranks.
Each year, our Campus Ministry Department thoughtfully crafts visits to a number of global and regional locations for our students during which students immerse themselves in local culture to serve our greater community and learn outside of the wall of Saint John's.
In years past, Saint John's students have served in Haiti, Ecuador, California, South Dakota, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and throughout Massachusetts.
Weekly community service opportunities are run through our Campus Ministry Department. Each week, we facilitate the transportation and supervision of our students at a number of local organizations to perform acts of service such as landscaping, organization, cleaning, tutoring and more. We are proud of the work out Pioneers do in our greater community!
In addition to retreats, all students have opportunities to engage after school (typically held once a month) at P-Cubed events. P-Cubed stands for Pizza, Prayer & Pioneers. Each event is themed around a different topic and students come together for a fun-filled, reflective time with their classmates in a supportive, safe environment led by our Campus Ministers.